Raja’s Soaring ROAS with Social Display

Download Raja Case Study
Packaging • Office Supplies • Equipment
Raja Brave Bison Spaceback Social Display Instagram Creative


ROAS higher than goal
Increase in CTR compared to benchmarks
Creative production savings


Raja, a boxes and packaging company, had a goal of reaching audiences in the German market and achieving a 1.50 ROAS.


Raja needed to engage a new audience in a new market. The best way to improve performance in this scenario was to utilize a new and engaging ad format. With Brave Bison’s suggestion, Raja decided to launch Social Display creatives with Spaceback. These authentic video creatives, imported directly from Facebook video posts, made Raja’s campaign planning seamless.


Raja exceeded its goals during this campaign. Not only did the Social Display creatives surpass the 1.50 ROAS goal with a 2.33 ROAS, but the company saved approximately £2500 on creative production costs. Additionally, when measured against standard banners, Social Display performed better, with a CTR of 0.1%, compared to 0.04% with the standard banners. Raja continues to run Social Display creatives with Spaceback due to the successful results from this campaign.